Stop this action.

I am saddened to hear that Vanbree Enterprises is requesting a zoning change to build yet another gravel pit in Huron County, this one in the Little Lakes area.

I am requesting that this action be denied.  It is time now for us to reconsider the constant building of new structures and roadways. Instead we could be supporting innovation to repair and sustain existing infrastructure. We have many existing resources to accommodate this need in our county.

A quarry is operational for 35 years. But regeneration takes 4 times that time period, and will never return to the full range of species lost.  

As a society we are in a new place now, we recognize the full impact of the constant growth model for the sake of economic opportunities for a few at the expense of the earth and her citizens.  Please take a moment and consider the future of your family left with an earth pillaged and poisoned by “progress” and put your support behind stopping another quarry adjacent to a very special natural area in Huron County.  


Janie vanEssen



A negative impact on the river.


Please do not grant this zoning change.